Jumat, 29 April 2011


Beberapa waktu yang lalu gw ntn nih film..

hmmm... entah kenapa suka ama ni tulisan di film... yasudah gw masukin aja deh
Dear god,...
.In your majesty, you create differences.
In my arrogance, I question your wisdom.
In your mistery, you create temptation.
In my inferiority, you make me more than I am.
So here I am..
Surrender me in the agony of your love.
Surrender me in the irony of your law.
Lead me to the joy of love redivined.
Teach me how to love you more

1 komentar:

  1. engmMm...
    kalo kata film Tanda Tanya (?) yg gw sk ni "but for me, It's a grace, because God teaches us the meaning of love in the difference"


#PesanBuatAwan #3

"Om, saya ingin menikahi anak om. Saya tau om tidak setuju, tapi saya berjanji akan membahagiakan anak om."  -berkata tanpa bertan...